The closest thing I have ever done in regards to walking through a real mine field was on a trip to El Salvador back in the early nineties. Believe me when I say that I had no intention of walking through a mine field, it just happened. El Salvador had just finished their civil war and the country was still not the safest place to be.
My friend and interpreter for the trip took me to their families country home close to the ocean. It was there that we decided to do a like mountain biking.
I love to bike, so it was a no brainer of sorts. The trails were single track and we were having fun.
Well... let me back up. I should have known something was a little different when pistols were put in the bags and backpacks before the ride started.
Well the riding was great, really beautiful and fun. A few of the trails had barb wire on one side and twenty or thirty foot drops on the other side. It made it challenging to say the least on paths that are rutted.
Finally we got to some easier riding and we stopped for a break. The break was short and I was reminded to stay on the path we were on. Why? Mine fields....
Yes, the area that we were riding through had been mined....
Ok, that was a new one for me. I survived as they say, lived to tell about it and guess what, I enjoyed it! I felt like I was really living I guess...
Now, what does this story have to do with today and the fact that most of us will never walk through a mine field in our life time.
Or will we?
Peace out for this day, hopefully I will not step on any mines today